Acai Super Smoothie

This smoothie is ideal for when you’re craving an acai bowl, but you only have 5 minutes before you have to dash out the door. 

Simply throw two of our frozen Acai Energy packs into a blender with almond milk, banana and chia seeds and voila – a wholesome, superfood-filled breakky on the go. 

Despite their tiny size, chia seeds are packed with essential nutrients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fibre – meaning they'll keep you fuller for longer. Packed with double the antioxidants of blueberries, Omegas 3, 6 & 9, and guarana for a boost of energy, Acai Energy is the perfect way to kickstart your day.

If you give this recipe a go, remember to tag us (@amazoniaco) on Instagram – we love seeing your creations!

Acai Smoothie
